Wednesday, March 4, 2020

what is a virtual ransomware actually

They called Wanna Cry a computer ransomware virus because it arbitrarily captures your computer, encrypting all the data on your hard drive without your knowledge. And for the right to access your own information, a ransom in the form of bitcoins is required. Residents of 74 countries suffered from this virtual terrorist. found out why this virus is so dangerous and whether it can be defeated.

Encrypt me completely

Wanna Cry has a very atypical nature for malware. As network security specialist Ilya Filimonov told, this is essentially not a virus. Therefore, the usual methods of protecting computers will not help you here.

“It's just a program that encrypts data,” Ilya Filimonov explains. “It runs without the knowledge of the user. It has a built-in encryption algorithm that works on a 1024-bit key. It's a sequence of characters in a row. You can't pick it up without knowing the key. So that Wanna Cry is not really a virus, but rather a program. And the people who launched it are not hackers. They are just intruders. To decrypt your data, you need to enter the primary key. They basically sell this key. "

Wanna Cry is a pretty straightforward invention - you don't have to be a genius to create it. And to recognize this program is almost impossible.

"The people who created Wanna Cry simply took the codes in the public domain and simply started using the Windows system vulnerability to force the execution of their program. This program takes up very little space, it can be placed in a simple doc or pdf file. For example, you some kind of agreement will come from the address that you know. And that’s it, ”says Ilya Filimonov.

what is a virtual ransomware actually

They called Wanna Cry a computer ransomware virus because it arbitrarily captures your computer, encrypting all the data on your hard dri...